The SUNOVA board bags carry the theme of our company and our products very well. We create some of the best boards of the market and the bags main issue is to use the best quality possible to PROTECT them as much as possible.
At the same time we try to offer a point of difference to what "normal" board bags look like and add some color and almost custom feel to them.
10mm foam all over the bag. Double padding and extra hard rubber protection in all critical areas like nose, tail and centre. Tail extension area with extra zipper to for easy daily protection. 3 super smooth neoprene carry handles. centre fin zipper, fin pocket. Plastic zippers.
Collections: All Products, Other SUP Gear, Sunova/Casey., SUP Bags, SUP Brands, SUP – Stand Up Paddle Board
Type: SUP Bags
Vendor: Sunova
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